Cats Need Greens Too… Blue Green Algae Has a Great Effect On
Cats Too…!
Have you ever wondered why your cat is chewing the green grass in your back yard? Some of the reasons why your cat might be eating grass include improving digestion, treating intestinal worms, or fulfilling some unmet nutritional need, including the need for fiber.
You see, the Green Chlorophyll in the grass actually helps cats just like it helps humans. Thus the blue green algae helps your cat as well. Just like humans, the best natural supplements for cats are direct from nature rather than manufactured vitamin. And thus the blue green algae is perfect for them.
It has vitamins and minerals their body needs. Many cat owners report improved health and nicer hair amongst other miracles!
You can give them 1-4 capsules a day depending on their weight. If it’s a tiny dog, one capsule will do. For medium size dog 2-3 capsules a day and for larger dogs 4 capsules a day..!