What Makes Klamath Lake Blue Green Algae
the BEST Greens Powder Supplement on Earth?
Unlike all green powder supplements on the market, Klamath Lake Blue Green Algae is 100% pure and without ANY FILLERS!
It grows in the WILD – not in any man-controlled conditions.
It sucks its nutrients from mineral-rich Upper Klamath Lake in Oregon – which is one of the richest nutrient reserve in the WORLD.
So you get the most WILD, naturally nutrient-rich, pure, ORGANIC SUPER GREENS POWDER.
Beyond that, how green powders are being dried affects its potency and availability.
Our green algae powder goes through a unique and far more delicate process than all greens powder on the market and so maintains its full potency, protects its active enzymes and preserves its native structure.
It enters your body in the exact same form it came out of the earth. It’s stronger, more bio available, more complete and provides your body with everything nature has to offer.
Consider other greens powder:
– May not be organic
– More likely have fillers
– More likely have been spray dried
– More likely have grown in man-controlled environments
– More likely has not grown in the Wild in a nutrient-rich lake
With our Blue Green Algae Green Powder you get
it all! There is just NO other product compare to it on
the market..!
You get the most available nutrition and the most
value for your money..
Read our customers testimonials
Read about nutrient-rich Klamath Lake
Read about our Drying process
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