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Blue Green Algae Supplement – For New Customers – How Much Shall I Take Every Day? And When?

We highly recommend that you take 4 capsules in the morning
and 4 capsules in the afternoon.

Each 4 capsules will give you 2 grams of blue green algae, so you
will end up with 4 grams of algae for the day.

It is better if you take it on an empty stomach before you eat anything and let it stay there by itself for about 30 min-1 hour. 2 grams are either 4 capsules of 500mg each or 2 teaspoons of loose powder. Many diets recommend not to eat right when you rise. It’s best to drink some water and then eat 1 hour after you get up.

So it’s best to take your algae right when you get up and then an hour later eat your breakfast. This way the algae is there by itself and your body will get the most benefits from it!

Then it’s best to take 2 more grams (4 more capsules or 2 teaspoons) in the afternoon around 3pm when you are in between meals. 4 grams a day is a nice amount of algae to give you more energy and feel better! Many athletes will take larger quantities and that’s perfectly fine. You can too!

Remember Blue Green Algae is a FOOD. It’s a very nutritious FOOD so you can take more if you want to and if it makes you feel real good! Athletes take even 20 or 30 capsules a day..! It’s pure protein, 97% assimilable by your body!

They feel a lot more mental clarity and full of energy and they compete better! Want that too? Just increase gradually to more capsules in the morning and more in the afternoon! You WILL FEEL the difference!!! It’s powerful!!!

Please note:  In your first week, if you have not taken algae before
just take 2 capsules in the morning and 2 in the afternoon. 
From the second week on, you can go up to 4 in the morning
and 4 in the afternoon.

For more information go here, or order now.

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