Enzymes & Probiotics Role
ENZYMES: Our Enzymes contain: lipase to break down fat, protease to break down protein, cellulase to break down plant fiber, amylase to break down
starch, and lactase to break down lactose.
This new and super-enhanced formula is 2 times more potent than our original formula!
Suggested use: 2 with each meal, especially cooked meals.

PROBIOTICS: What are Probiotics? Pro means
FOR and Biotics means LIFE the term refers
to the friendly (good) bacteria in your intestines.
Your entire balance of health & immune protection depends upon maintaining the correct internal environment of beneficial bacteria.
High-fat, high-sugar diets, tap water, caffeine, alcohol, antibiotics, preservatives, and even stress actively destroy your intestinal ‘friendly bacteria’. Taking probiotics helps replenish the good bacteria and keep your intestines healthy and clean.

It also helps destroy yeast and enables your body to absorb the maximum nutrition from your food. As you begin to incorporate high quality Probiotics into your diet you may also begin to boost your immune system.
Increase your natural enzymatic activity, restore balance in the intestinal tract, enhance the absorption of nutrients, and foster longevity and a feeling of aliveness, as well as many other wonderful health benefits.