Our Blue Green Algae is the highest quality 100%
organic pure Blue Green Algae Aphanizomenon Flos Aquae) from Klamath Lake.
How do you know that? When you open our capsules you will see our Blue Green Algae glitters, and when you taste it you will notice that it is naturally sweeter, not so bitter like other greens – evidence of its purity and superior quality!

Our algae comes with no additives or fillers. You get 100%. Organic and Kosher Blue Green Algae from Klamath Lake.
International Customers in Canada, UK and Australia
– Please rest assure our algae passes customs.
What Our Customers are Saying:
“I love your algae! The 500mg capsules are great! I can see the crystals. Why did the other algae we were taking not have the crystal appearance? The other algae was also from Klamath Lake…”

With your algae we get more for our money. I started to increase my dosage. I am so excited that we can actually increase our algae intake.
Thank you for making such good quality algae at an affordable price. Thanks again for your time and wonderful support. I have already passed your emails on to my two good friends who also eat algae. You may be getting a few more orders! “
Wendy N. Utah
Order with Confidence join our many happy Blue Green Algae Customers, some of them have been with us for over 20 years!